Hi! I’m Sevin Ceviker     - a dancer, choreographer, trainer and movement coach based in New York City. I love helping people discover the power of what their bodies can do.


As a trained Classical Ballet and Modern Dance performer, my path led me to teaching after a near-catastrophic injury of my own. While earning my BFA in Dance at Marymount Manhattan College, an unfortunate accident left me incapacitated and flat on my back. The doctors told me I might never be able to dance again.

I was completely shattered. I felt that my life as I had always known it, was over.

But then, my saving grace came to me in the form of Master Trainer Leda Franklin. I can still hear her in her native British accent telling me, “To hell with that! Let’s get you moving again!”

Thanks to her belief in me, and our hard work together, I was back in rehearsals in under six months, and onstage performing in under nine. I even went on to fulfill a lifelong dream. After my recovery I joined the world-renowned Martha Graham Dance Company and toured all across the globe.

This experience showed me just how incredible our bodies are - their power to heal, overcome chronic issues, and help us reach our goals. I wanted to help others the way Leda helped me. She took me under her wing and I began my own teaching journey.

In the years since then, I have acquired expertise in a range of modalities, and have had the privilege of helping so many others learn, grow and heal. I look forward to helping you discover the power of YOUR BODY too!

As a teacher, I have earned 35 professional certifications and teaching licenses. You can see them all here.

  • The Gyrotonic Method is an original and unique movement method that addresses the entire person by opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and improving strength and movement efficiency. With Gyrotonic exercises, each movement flows into the next, allowing the joints to move through a natural range of motion without jarring or compression. These carefully crafted sequences create balance, efficiency, strength and flexibility.

    The Gyrotonic Method utilizes specialized equipment to guide, assist and challenge the exerciser.

    People from all walks of life take Gyrotonic classes, including fitness enthusiasts, senior citizens, accomplished athletes and people recovering from an injury or living with a disability. Gyrotonic exercises help athletes improve their performance and rehabilitation clients recover more quickly and fully post injury.

    The Gyrotonic Method is practiced in group or private classes.

  • The Gyrokinesis Method is a movement method that addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. It is an original and unique method that coordinates movement, breath and mental focus.

    The Gyrokinesis Method is practiced on a mat and chair without equipment. Without the feedback and guidance of equipment, participants in a Gyrokinesis class are more dependent on their own proprioception to explore movement sequences.

  • My Yoga classes are designed for all levels - from experienced yogis to those just starting their journey in this beautiful practice. We welcome all!

    Yoga unites our life force and consciousness through consistent physical movements, while integrating breathwork and a focus deep within ourselves. It helps us find peace, balance and energy.

    Yoga gently stretches and strengthens us as we awaken our bodies, while inviting us to bring all of who we are: physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Our goal is to offer our deepest, most subtle and often elusive natures as the raw material for learning, seeing, and integrating our entire being, while opening us to our fullest imagination, intelligence, enthusiasm, energy, and an awareness of spiritual life.

  • Yogature™ is my unique, signature approach designed to synthesize multiple methods of body movement in a singular modality, which is adaptable and personalized for each individual and their unique issues and goals.

    Yogature™ focuses on alignment, optimal natural posture, flexibility and strength. Built on a foundation of Hatha yoga, this method is also designed to cultivate a sense of integrated mindfulness, and includes elements of Zen philosophy into movement expression.